Front End

The front end has been developed independently from the ecoControl server and communicates exclusively through the REST-API. It is based on jQuery and Twitter’s Bootstrap which provides an easy to use grid system and enables a responsive design. For all diagrams, the front end is using Highcharts and Highstock. The programming interface is based on Ace.


The front end can be found within the /static folder.

Folder Description
css/ Custom style sheets
img/ All images
js/ ecoControl specific Javascript code
js/libs/ Custom libraries
js/mgmt/ All Javascript code for the management views
js/tech/ All Javascript code for the technician views
libs/ Third party libraries
templates/ Mustache templates
index.html This is the starting point

Multi-language Support

The front end is available in English and in German. The language files can be found in /static/js/ and are called lang.en.js and