Source code for server.devices

This module represents the energy systems.

The hardware interface should orient at the base classes of the devices.
The simulation in :mod:`` is also based on these classes.

import logging
import os
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist

from base import BaseEnvironment
from producers import CogenerationUnit, PeakLoadBoiler
from storages import HeatStorage, PowerMeter
from consumers import ThermalConsumer, ElectricalConsumer
from server.models import Device, Configuration, DeviceConfiguration
from server.settings import BASE_DIR

logger = logging.getLogger('simulation')

[docs]def get_initialized_scenario(): """The function returns a list of energy systems based on the configuration in the database :returns: `list` of objects from :mod:`` """ database_devices = list(Device.objects.all()) devices = [] env = BaseEnvironment() for device in database_devices: for device_type, class_name in Device.DEVICE_TYPES: if device.device_type == device_type: device_class = globals()[class_name] devices.append(device_class(, env)) return (env, devices)
[docs]def get_user_function(devices, code=None): """Builds a method with the users code from the programming-interface. :param systems: `list` of devices from :func:get_initialized_scenario: :param code: `string` with the user-code :returns: callable user-function expecting a pointer to a systems list as argument """ local_names = ['env', 'forecast'] + ['device_%s' % for x in devices] if code is None: with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'server',''), "r") as code_file: code = lines = [] lines.append("def user_function(%s):" % (",".join(local_names))) for line in code.split("\n"): lines.append("\t" + line) lines.append("\tpass") # make sure function is not empty source = "\n".join(lines) namespace = {} exec source in namespace return namespace['user_function']
def execute_user_function(user_function, env, devices, forecast): try: user_function(env, forecast, *devices) return True except: return False
[docs]def perform_configuration(data): """Saves a systems configuration to the database. :param data: `json` with configuration values for energy systems""" configurations = [] device_configurations = [] for config in data: if all(x in config for x in ['device', 'key', 'value', 'type', 'unit']): if config['device'] == '0': try: existing_config = Configuration.objects.get( key=config['key']) existing_config.value = config['value'] existing_config.value_type = int( config['type']) existing_config.unit = config['unit'] except Configuration.DoesNotExist: configurations.append( Configuration(key=config['key'], value=config['value'], value_type=int(config['type']), unit=config['unit'])) else: try: device = Device.objects.get(id=config['device']) for device_type, class_name in Device.DEVICE_TYPES: if device.device_type == device_type: device_class = globals()[class_name] # Make sure that key is present in corresponding device # class if config['key'] in device_class(0, BaseEnvironment()).config: try: existing_config = DeviceConfiguration.objects.get( device=device, key=config['key']) existing_config.device = device existing_config.value = config['value'] existing_config.value_type = int( config['type']) existing_config.unit = config['unit'] except DeviceConfiguration.DoesNotExist: device_configurations.append( DeviceConfiguration(device=device, key=config['key'], value=config['value'], value_type=int(config['type']), unit=config['unit'])) except ObjectDoesNotExist: logger.error("Unknown device %s" % config['device']) except ValueError: logger.error( "ValueError value_type '%s' not an int" % config['type']) else: logger.error("Incomplete config data: %s" % config) if len(configurations) > 0: Configuration.objects.bulk_create(configurations) if len(device_configurations) > 0: DeviceConfiguration.objects.bulk_create(device_configurations)