Source code for server.forecasting.dataloader

import csv
import string
from datetime import timedelta, date, datetime
import os

[docs]class DataLoader(object): """ This class reads data from CSV formatted in a specific way. The files are cached in memory to enable fast, re-reads """ cached_csv = {} @classmethod
[docs] def load_from_file(cls,filepath, column_name, delim="\t",date_name="Datum", sampling_interval=600): """ load a time series from a csv file. This assumes, that the csv is formatted in the following way: =========== =========== =========== ============ Date header Row Header1 Row Header2 Row Header N =========== =========== =========== ============ Timestamp0 Row1Value0 Row2Value0 RowNValue0 Timestamp1 ... ... ... =========== =========== =========== ============ If the values in the file isn't sampled evenly, because it contains skips, blackouts, etc.. the data will be sampled evenly by copying certain data (see :meth:`evenly_sampled`). :param string column_name: The name of the column (in the csv) to retrieve :param string delim: The delimiter between values of a row. Default is Tab. :param string date_name: The name of the Date header of the date row :param int sampling_interval: The interval the data in the file is sampled. """ if filepath not in cls.cached_csv: if filepath.endswith(".csv"): with open(filepath, "rb") as file_obj: reader = csv.reader(file_obj) header = if type(header)== list: header = header[0] labels = [string.strip(label) for label in header.split(delim)] columns = {} for label in labels: columns[label] = [] for row in reader: _row = row if type(row) == list: _row = row[0] elements = [string.strip(label) for label in _row.split(delim)] for index, element in enumerate(elements): label = labels[index] columns[label].append(element) cls.cached_csv[filepath] = cls.evenly_sampled(columns, date_name,sampling_interval) return cls.cached_csv[filepath][column_name]
[docs] def evenly_sampled(cls, data, date_name="Datum", sampling_interval=600): """ Will return a version of `data`, in which every value has a corresponding timestamp, which is roughly `sampling_interval` seconds away from the last value. This is a maximum interval, if the data contains closer values together than sampling_interval, no actions will be taken. The data which is used to fill up gaps is tried to gather intelligently. It is specifically designed for electrical data and takes values from one week ago, if present, else one day or the last value if everything else fails. :param dict data: dictionary with column names as keys and column data as values :param string date_name: name of the date row :param int sampling_interval: the number of seconds between each consecutive sample """ samples_per_hour = (60 * 60) / sampling_interval epsilon = 59 # maximal 59 seconds deviatiation from samplinginterval dates = data[date_name] #empty copy output_data = {key : [] for key in data.keys()} for index, date in enumerate(dates): for key in data.keys(): output_data[key].append(data[key][index]) if index < len(dates) - 1: diff = int(dates[index+1]) - int(dates[index]) time_passed = timedelta(seconds= int(date) - int(dates[0])) if abs(diff - sampling_interval) > epsilon: #read from back one week ago, if existent if time_passed >= timedelta(days = 7): back = 7 * 24 * samples_per_hour #else only take last day elif time_passed >= timedelta(days = 1): back = 24 * samples_per_hour else: back = 1 history_index = index - back #stop at 10 minutes before next sample stop = diff - sampling_interval + 1 for j in range(sampling_interval, stop, sampling_interval): #repeat samples, if time difference is bigger than available data adjusted_index = history_index + j % back for key in data.keys(): if key == date_name: output_data[key].append(int(date) + j) else: output_data[key].append(data[key][adjusted_index]) return output_data