Source code for server.forecasting.helpers

""" helper methods for forecasting"""
import os
import pickle
import time
from datetime import date,datetime,timedelta
from server.settings import BASE_DIR
from math import cos, pi

[docs]def interpolate_year(day): """ input: int between 0,365 output: float between 0,1 interpolates a year day to 1=winter, 0=summer """ # shift summer days at 180-365 # 1'April = 90th day day_shift = day + 90 day_shift %= 365 day_float = float(day) / 365.0 interpolation = cos(day_float * pi * 2) # shift to 0-1 return (interpolation / 2) + 0.5
def linear_interpolation(a, b, x): return a * (1 - x) + b * x
[docs]def perdelta(start, end, delta): """ generator function, which outputs dates. works like `range(start, stop, step)` for dates :param datetime start,end: dates between which to iterate :param timedelta delta: the stepwidth """ curr = start while curr < end: yield curr curr += delta
[docs]def approximate_index(dataset, findvalue): """ Return index value in dataset, with optimized find procedure. This assumes a `dataset` with continuous, increasing values. Typically, these are timestamps. :param list dataset: a continuous list of values (f.e. timestamps) :param int findvalue: the value, of which to find the index. """ length = len(dataset) #aproximate index diff = (dataset[1] - dataset[0]) i = min(int((findvalue - dataset[0])/diff), length -1) while i < length and i >= 0: if i == length -1: return i if dataset[i] == findvalue else -1 if dataset[i] == findvalue or (dataset[i] < findvalue and dataset[i+1] > findvalue): return i elif dataset[i] > findvalue: i-=1 else: i+=1 return -1
[docs]def cached_data(name, data_function=None, max_age=0): """ store and retrieve data from a cache on the filesystem. The function will try to retrieve the cached data. If there is None or the data is too old, `data_function` will be called and the result is stored in the cache. :param string name: name of cache file :param function data_function: A function, which outputs the data to be stored. If the function is ``None`` and the cache is invalid, the funtion will return ``None``. :param int max_age: The maximum age (real time) in seconds, the cache is allowed to have before turning invalid. :returns: data or ``None`` """ cache_path = cachefile('%s.cache' % name) age = cached_data_age(name) if age != None and (age < max_age or max_age == 0): with open(cache_path, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) if not data_function: return None data = data_function() with open(cache_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data, f) return data
def cachefile(filename): return os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'cache', filename) def cached_data_age(name): cache_path = cachefile('%s.cache' % name) if not os.path.exists(cache_path): return None return time.time() - os.stat(cache_path).st_mtime def linear_interpolation(a,b,x): return a * x + b * (1.0 - x) def values_comparison(actual_value, expected_value): return "expected: {0}. got: {1}".format(expected_value, actual_value)