Source code for server.forecasting.statistical.holt_winters

""" This module contains four exponential smoothing algorithms. 

They are Holt's linear trend method and Holt-Winters seasonal methods (additive and multiplicative).
The fourth method is the double seasonal exponential smoothing method with AR(1) autocorrelation and no trend. 

 Hyndman, R. J.; Athanasopoulos, G. (2013) Forecasting: principles and practice.

 Byrd, R. H.; Lu, P.; Nocedal, J. A Limited Memory Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization, (1995), SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 16, 5, pp. 1190-1208.

 Taylor, W James, (2003); Short-Term Electricity Demand Forecasting Using Double Seasonal Exponential Smoothing, `Journal of the Operational Research Society <>`_ 

"""Original Gist: Andre Queiroz, modified and extended by Max Reimann"""
from sys import exit
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
from numpy import array
from collections import namedtuple
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b

[docs]def linear(x, forecast, alpha = None, beta = None): """ Returns a forecast calculated with linear exponential smoothing. If `alpha` or `beta` are ``None``, the method will optimize the :func:`MSE` and find the most suitable parameters. The method returns these optimized parameters and also the one-step-forecasts, for each value of `x`. :param list x: the series to be forecasted :param int forecast: the timeperiod of the forecast. F.e. ``forecast=24*7`` for one week (assuming hourly data) :param float alpha: the level component :param float beta: the trend component :returns: (forecast, parameters, one-step-forecasts) """ Y = x[:] if (alpha == None or beta == None): initial_values = array([0.3, 0.1]) boundaries = [(0, 1), (0, 1)] hw_type = 0#'linear' parameters = fmin_l_bfgs_b(MSE, x0 = initial_values, args = (Y, hw_type), bounds = boundaries, approx_grad = True) alpha, beta = parameters[0] a = [Y[0]] b = [Y[1] - Y[0]] y = [a[0] + b[0]] named_parameters = namedtuple("Linear", ["alpha", "beta"], False)(alpha,beta) for i in range(len(Y) + forecast): if i == len(Y): Y.append(a[-1] + b[-1]) __exponential_smoothing_step(Y, i, named_parameters, (a, b, None, y), 0) return Y[-forecast:], (alpha, beta), y[:-forecast]
[docs]def additive(x, m, forecast, alpha = None, beta = None, gamma = None, initial_values_optimization=[0.002, 0.0, 0.0002], optimization_type="MSE"): """ Returns a forecast calculated with the seasonal exponential smoothing method (additive Holt-Winters). This method will consider seasonality and can be configured by setting the length of the seasonality `m`. If `alpha` or `beta` or `gamma` are ``None``, the method will optimize the :func:`MSE` and find the most suitable parameters. The method returns these optimized parameters and also the one-step-forecasts, for each value of `x`. If optimization is used, a list of starting parameters can be supplied by `initial_values_optimization`. The algorithm will start searching in the neighbourhood of these values. It can't be guaranteed, that all values in the boundaries (0,1) are considered. :param list x: the series to be forecasted :param int m: the seasonality, f.e. ``m=24`` for daily seasonality (a daily cycle in data is expected) :param int forecast: the timeperiod of the forecast. F.e. ``forecast=24*7`` for one week (assuming hourly data) :param float alpha: the level component :param float beta: the trend component :param float gamma: the seasonal component component :param list initial_values_optimization: a first guess of the parameters to use when optimizing. :param string optimization_criterion: type of minimization measure, if minimization is used * "MSE" - use :func:`MSE` * "MASE" - use :func:`MASE` (slowest) :returns: (forecast, parameters, one-step-forecasts) """ Y = x[:] if (alpha == None or beta == None or gamma == None): initial_values = array(initial_values_optimization) boundaries = [(0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1)] hw_type = 1#'additive' optimization_criterion = MSE if optimization_type == "MSE" else MASE parameters = fmin_l_bfgs_b(optimization_criterion, x0 = initial_values, args = (Y, hw_type, m), bounds = boundaries, approx_grad = True,factr=10**6) alpha, beta, gamma = parameters[0] a = [sum(Y[0:m]) / float(m)] b = [(sum(Y[m:2 * m]) - sum(Y[0:m])) / m ** 2] s = [Y[i] - a[0] for i in range(m)] y = [a[0] + b[0] + s[0]] named_parameters = namedtuple("Additive", ["alpha", "beta","gamma"], False)(alpha,beta,gamma) for i in range(len(Y) + forecast): if i == len(Y): Y.append(a[-1] + b[-1] + s[-m]) __exponential_smoothing_step(Y, i, named_parameters, (y, a, b, s, None), 1) return Y[-forecast:], (alpha, beta, gamma), y[:-forecast]
[docs]def multiplicative(x, m, forecast, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None, initial_values_optimization=[0.002, 0.0, 0.0002], optimization_type="MSE"): """This method uses the multiplicative Holt-Winters method. It often delivers better results for our use-case than the additive method. For parameters, see :func:`additive` .""" Y = x[:] test_series = [] if (alpha == None or beta == None or gamma == None): initial_values = array(initial_values_optimization) boundaries = [(0, 1), (0, 0.05), (0, 1)] hw_type = 2 #'multiplicative' optimization_criterion = MSE if optimization_type == "MSE" else MASE train_series = Y[:-m*2] test_series = Y[-m*2:] Y = train_series parameters = fmin_l_bfgs_b(optimization_criterion, x0 = initial_values, args = (train_series, hw_type, m, test_series), bounds = boundaries, approx_grad = True,factr=10**3) alpha, beta, gamma = parameters[0] a = [sum(Y[0:m]) / float(m)] b = [(sum(Y[m:2 * m]) - sum(Y[0:m])) / m ** 2] s = [Y[i] / a[0] for i in range(m)] y = [(a[0] + b[0]) * s[0]] named_parameters = namedtuple("Multiplicative", ["alpha", "beta","gamma"], False)(alpha,beta,gamma) for i in range(len(Y) + forecast+len(test_series)): if i >= len(Y): Y.append((a[-1] + b[-1]) * s[-m]) __exponential_smoothing_step(Y, i, named_parameters, (y, a, b, s, None), 2) return Y[-forecast:], (alpha, beta, gamma), y[:-forecast] #m = intraday, m2 = intraweek seasonality
[docs]def double_seasonal(x, m, m2, forecast, alpha = None, beta = None, gamma = None,delta=None, autocorrelation=None, initial_values_optimization=[0.1, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.9], optimization_type="MSE"): """ Returns a forecast calculated with the double seasonal holt-winters method ( `Taylor 2003 <>`_ ). This method considers two seasonalies. This is great for electrical demand forecasting, as demands have daily and weekly seasonalities. The method also uses autocorrelation, to forecast patterns in residuals. The trend component is ignored for this method, as electrical demands mostly dont have a trend. For all parameters, see :func:`additive`. :param int m: intraday seasonality (``m = 24``, for hourly data) :param int m2: intraweek seasonality (``m = 24*7``, for hourly data) :returns: (forecast, parameters, one-step-forecasts) """ Y = x[:] test_series = [] if (alpha == None or beta == None or gamma == None): initial_values = array(initial_values_optimization) boundaries = [(0, 1), (0, 0), (0, 1), (0,1), (0,1)] hw_type = 3 #'double seasonal optimization_criterion = MSE if optimization_type == "MSE" else MASE train_series = Y[:-m2*1] test_series = Y[-m2*1:] Y = train_series parameters = fmin_l_bfgs_b(optimization_criterion, x0 = initial_values, args = (train_series, hw_type, (m,m2), test_series), bounds = boundaries, approx_grad = True,factr=10**3) alpha, beta, gamma, delta, autocorrelation = parameters[0] a = [sum(Y[0:m]) / float(m)] b = [] s = [Y[i] / a[0] for i in range(m)] s2 = [Y[i] / a[0] for i in range(0,m2,m)] y = [a[0] + s[0] + s2[0]] named_parameters = namedtuple("Multiplicative", ["alpha", "beta","gamma","delta","autocorrelation"], False)(alpha,beta,gamma,delta,autocorrelation) for i in range(len(Y) + forecast+len(test_series)): if i >= len(Y): Y.append(a[-1] + s[-m] + s2[-m2]) __exponential_smoothing_step(Y, i, named_parameters, (y, a, b, s, s2), 3) return Y[-forecast:], (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, autocorrelation), y[:-forecast]
[docs]def MSE(params, *args): """ ``Internal Method``. Calculates the Mean Square Error of one run of holt-winters with the supplied arguments. The MSE is actually computed from the MSE of the one-step-forecast error and the error between the forecast and a testseries. :param list params: (alpha, ...) the parameters :param list \*args: (input_series, hw type, m), with hwtype in [0:3] depicting hw method """ forecast, onestepfcs = _holt_winters(params,*args) test_data = args[3] train = args[0] mse_outofsample = sum([(m - n) ** 2 for m, n in zip(test_data, forecast)]) / len(test_data) mse_insample = sum([(m - n) ** 2 for m, n in zip(train, onestepfcs)]) / len(train) return mse_insample + mse_outofsample
[docs]def MASE(params, *args): """ Calculates the Mean-Absolute Scaled Error (see :py:meth:`server.forecasting.forecasting.StatisticalForecast.MASE`). For parameters see :func:`MSE`. """ input = args[0] forecast = _holt_winters(params,*args) training_series = np.array(input) testing_series = np.array(args[3]) prediction_series = np.array(forecast) n = training_series.shape[0] d = np.abs( np.diff(training_series) ).sum()/(n-1) errors = np.abs(testing_series - prediction_series ) return errors.mean()/d
def _holt_winters(params, *args): """ ``Internal Method``. Calculates one holt-winters run. This method is used in calculating of MSE.""" train = args[0][:] hw_type = args[1] m = args[2] test_data = args[3] if hw_type == 0: alpha, beta = params linear(train, len(test_data), alpha, beta) if hw_type == 1: alpha, beta, gamma = params forecast, params, onestepfcs = additive(train, m, len(test_data), alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma) elif hw_type == 2: alpha, beta, gamma = params forecast, params, onestepfcs = multiplicative(train, m, len(test_data), alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma) elif hw_type == 3: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, autocorrelation = params forecast, params, onestepfcs = double_seasonal(train, m[0],m[1], len(test_data), alpha=alpha,beta=beta,gamma=gamma,delta=delta, autocorrelation=autocorrelation) else: exit('type must be either linear, additive, multiplicative or double seasonal') return forecast, onestepfcs def __exponential_smoothing_step(input, index, params, (forecast, level, trend, seasonal, seasonal2), hw_type ): """ ``Internal Method``. Calculates one step of the smoothing method supplied by `hw_type`.""" # 0 = linear, 1 = addditive, 2 = multiplicative, 3 = double seasonal i = index Y = input a = level b = trend s = seasonal s2 = seasonal2 y = forecast if hw_type == 0: a.append(params.alpha * Y[i] + (1 - params.alpha) * (a[i] + b[i])) b.append(params.beta * (a[i + 1] - a[i]) + (1 - params.beta) * b[i]) y.append(a[i + 1] + b[i + 1]) elif hw_type == 1: a.append(params.alpha * (Y[i] - s[i]) + (1 - params.alpha) * (a[i] + b[i])) b.append(params.beta * (a[i + 1] - a[i]) + (1 - params.beta) * b[i]) s.append(params.gamma * (Y[i] - a[i] - b[i]) + (1 - params.gamma) * s[i]) y.append(a[i + 1] + b[i + 1] + s[i + 1]) elif hw_type == 2: a.append(params.alpha * (Y[i] / s[i]) + (1 - params.alpha) * (a[i] + b[i])) b.append(params.beta * (a[i + 1] - a[i]) + (1 - params.beta) * b[i]) s.append(params.gamma * (Y[i] / (a[i] + b[i])) + (1 - params.gamma) * s[i]) y.append((a[i + 1] + b[i + 1]) * s[i + 1]) elif hw_type == 3: #see Short-term electricity demand forecasting using #double seasonal exponential smoothing (Tayler 2003) a.append( params.alpha * (Y[i] - s2[i] - s[i]) + (1 - params.alpha) * (a[i])) s.append( * (Y[i] - a[i] - s2[i]) + (1 - * s[i]) s2.append(params.gamma * (Y[i] - a[i] - s[i]) + (1 - params.gamma) * s2[i]) autocorr = params.autocorrelation * (Y[i] - (a[i] + s[i] + s2[i])) y.append(a[i + 1] + s[i + 1] + s2[i + 1] + autocorr)