Source code for server.devices.storages

from server.devices.base import BaseDevice

[docs]class HeatStorage(BaseDevice): """Represents a heat storage necessary to supply heating and warm water demand. The temperatures of the storage are as average and measured in degree Celsius. The configuration is read from the database and can be set from the frontend. The following parameters are available: :param int capacity: in liters :param float min_temperature: below this temperature the PeakLoadBoiler will turn on :param float target_temperature: the HS schould always have this temperature :param float critical_temperature: above this temperature all production devices are turned off """ acronym = "hs" def __init__(self, device_id, env): super(HeatStorage, self).__init__(device_id, env) self.config = { 'capacity': 2500, 'min_temperature': 55.0, 'target_temperature': 85.0, 'critical_temperature': 90.0, } #: specific heat capacity of water 4.19 J/(g*K) self.specific_heat_capacity = 4.19 / 3600.0 # convert to kWh/(kg*K) self.base_temperature = 20.0 #: assume no lower temperature def attach(self, device): device.heat_storage = self def get_temperature(self): raise NotImplementedError def undersupplied(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PowerMeter(BaseDevice): """Represents the power meter of the whole building. Measures the purchased and fed in electricity in kWh """ acronym = "pm" def __init__(self, device_id, env): super(PowerMeter, self).__init__(device_id, env) self.fed_in_electricity = 0.0 #: since last step self.purchased = 0 #: since last step self.total_fed_in_electricity = 0.0 self.total_purchased = 0 #: set by producer devices with `add_energy` self.energy_produced = 0.0 #: set by consumer devices with `consume_energy` self.energy_consumed = 0.0 #: costs in Euro to purchase 1 kW/h from external supplier (default 0.283) self.electrical_costs = 0.283 #: reward in Euro for feed in 1 kW/h to public grid (default 0.0917) self.feed_in_reward = 0.0917 def attach(self, device): device.power_meter = self
[docs] def add_energy(self, energy): """This counts up the produced energy. :param float energy: in kWh """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def consume_energy(self, energy): """This counts up the consumed energy. :param float energy: in kWh """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_reward(self): """Calculated by overall fed in electricity and the default reward of 0.0917 Euro per kWh. Sale to tenants is not considered here.""" return self.total_fed_in_electricity * self.feed_in_reward
[docs] def get_costs(self): """Calculated by overall purchased electricity and default costs of 0.283 Euro per kWh""" return self.total_purchased * self.electrical_costs